you tried to kill me on april 16th, 2022

rip out my teeth
cry on my shoulders every night
hit me
kick me
put my open mouth on the curb and stroke my hair with your boot
(my shoulders)
hit me
bite me
hold my hands under the cold water until they are numb and red
(my teeth)
hit me
sing to me
cry on my shoulders every night
look inside me and watch my heart beat
hit me
(my hair)
hit me
cry on my shoulders every night
hit me
(my hands)
hit me
i knew i didn’t deserve all of it
i also knew there wasn't another way to pass the time
(my open mouth)(pass the time)(my open mouth)(pass the time)(my open mouth)(pass the time)(every night)(every night)
hit me
(my heart)
i knew i had to do something fast to make you stay
i know you think about me still
i know you told me that it meant you loved me too much
(i know)(love)
(i)(think)(about)(it)(all)(the time)(every night)
(you told me)(that)(you loved)(my shoulders)(my teeth)(my hair)(my hands)(and)(my open mouth)
(i)(told)(you)(to)(look inside)(you)(and)(cry)(every night)

(my heart)(my open mouth)(my heart)(my open mouth)(my open mouth)(my open mouth)(my open mouth)(my open mouth)(my open mouth)(my open mouth)(my open mouth)(my open mouth)(my heart)(my open mouth)(my open mouth)(my open mouth)(my open mouth)(my open mouth)(my open mouth)(my open mouth)(my open mouth)(my open mouth)(my open mouth)(my open mouth)(my open mouth)(my open mouth)(my open mouth)(my open mouth)(my open mouth)(my open mouth)(my open mouth)(my open mouth)(my open mouth)(my open mouth)(my open mouth)(my open mouth)(my open mouth)(my open mouth)(my open mouth)(my open mouth)(my heart)(my open mouth)(my open mouth)(my open mouth)(my open mouth)(my heart?)(my open mouth)(my open mouth)(my open mouth)(my open mouth)(my open mouth)(my open mouth)(my open mouth)(my open mouth)(my open mouth)(my open mouth)(my open mouth)(my open mouth)(my open mouth)(my open mouth)(my open mouth)(my open mouth)(my open mouth)(my open mouth)(my open mouth)(what about my heart??)(my open mouth)(my open mouth)(my open mouth)(my open mouth)(my open mouth)(didn't you see it beating? did you forget about my heart? did you?)(my open mouth)(my open mouth)(my open mouth)(my open mouth)(my open mouth)(my open mouth)(my open mouth)(my open mouth)(my heart)(my open mouth)(my open mouth)(my open mouth)(my open mouth)(my open mouth)(my open mouth)(my open mouth)(my open mouth)(my open mouth)(did you?)